Privacy and Data Collection Policy

Effective Date: February 2, 2024


At Scratchapixel, we are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of our users. Our policy outlines our practices regarding data collection and usage to ensure a transparent and trustworthy environment.

Data Collection and Use

Scratchapixel itself does not collect personal data directly from users as our platform does not require any form of login or registration. This approach is designed to ensure that our educational content on Computer Graphics (CG) programming is freely accessible without compromising user privacy.

However, to support the ongoing development and maintenance of Scratchapixel, we utilize third-party services such as Google Analytics for website analytics and Google AdSense for personalized advertising. These services are implemented to enhance the user experience and provide valuable insights into website usage and performance.

Third-Party Services and User Data

Google Analytics and Google AdSense collect data on our behalf, adhering to their respective privacy policies. This data may include information about user interactions with Scratchapixel, such as page views, time spent on the site, and navigation patterns. The purpose of collecting this data is to improve website functionality and content relevance.

Links to Third-Party Privacy Policies:

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

Scratchapixel ensures compliance with major data protection regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Our adherence to the privacy policies of third-party services like Google Analytics and Google AdSense is part of our commitment to upholding these standards.

Your Rights and Choices

Users have the right to review, modify, and delete their personal data collected by third-party services. We encourage our users to familiarize themselves with the privacy settings and tools provided by these services to manage their data effectively.

Contact Us

Should you have any concerns or questions regarding our Privacy and Data Collection Policy, please feel free to reach out to us at

Commitment to Privacy

Scratchapixel is devoted to creating a secure and respectful platform where enthusiasts and professionals alike can share and expand their knowledge of CG programming. We value the trust our users place in us and are committed to protecting their privacy and personal information.

By using Scratchapixel, you acknowledge and agree to the practices described in this policy. We reserve the right to update our Privacy and Data Collection Policy as necessary and will provide notice of significant changes on our platform.